Events, Grand Council Manuel Lozada Events, Grand Council Manuel Lozada

Portae Lucis Council Is Instituted

Portae Lucis receives its dispensation to begin working as a Knight Masons council.

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, the Grand Excellent Chief and the Florida South Superintendent of the Grand Council of Knight Masons of the United States of America came to Orange Blossom Lodge No. 80 in Kissimmee, FL, to institute and grand dispensation to the newest council in Knight Masonry, Portae Lucis Council.

The new officers were installed in their several stations. Right away, the new council began its Masonic Education work with phenomenal presentation by two Portae Lucis own Cousins. After the institution and education, the council closed its labors and everyone proceeded to partake in a delicious meal prepared by a Cousin. Followed, a group of Cousins, their wives and the Grand Excellent Chief met at a local establishment for fellowship.

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